

Time Change Malta

Time Zone and Time Changes in Malta 2024 When Does Daylight Saving Time Begin in Malta in 2024? After the Easter weekend, on 31.03.2024 at

Malta Carnival

Also in Malta, the Carnival ta’ Malta has been celebrated in February for centuries. First records of the carnival…

Hiking in Gozo and Comino

Hiking on Gozo and Comino on the picturesque coasts of Malta For many decades, Guide John has been hosting roughly a dozen ambulatory explorations on

Food Prices – Cost of Living

Food: Malta’s prices for basic foods are as low as in the middle of Europe countries A statistical shopping basket with weighting and average consumer

Health system and hospital

Health care system Malta – Impressively cheap and still leading the world? The Maltese health system or national insurance interlocks few institutions and players. They

View from Spinola Bay to St. Julians

Villages Sightseeing

These 77 towns, villages and sights in Malta will amaze you The Republic of Malta with its six islands has as many inhabitants as Liverpool, 

Garbage & Waste

How waste and rubbish disposal works perfectly in Malta? Immigrants, immigrants and ex-pats to Malta bother early, by the daily mountains of plastic garbage bags

International Beer Day

It is International Beer Day. However, what does International Beer Day have to do with Malta? Depending on how someone looks at it.
