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Dream Wedding for Immigrants & Foreigners in Malta – Few Requirements, Quickly Possible.

Marriage and marriages in Malta are regulated by the Marriage Act of 1975 (as of 11.2021). Marriage in Malta is legally binding for countries in the EU and many countries in the world. You choose a church or civil marriage ceremony. In the case of a church wedding, a registrar is present in addition to the priest. This documents the marriage. Table of Contents.
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Emigrants and foreigners marry on Malta – short answer for quick readers

  • An international marriage in Malta is possible for emigrants and foreigners.
  • The marriage ceremony is certified by a registrar. It may take place outside the registry office at any location in Malta.
  • Malta offers the marriage of same-sex partnerships.
  • Marriage in Malta is recognized by many countries.
  • The documents are mutually recognized by the signatories of the Hague Apostille without certification.

Why do foreigners marry in Malta?

Malta is wonderful, almost to reach, modern and digital oriented authorities. Blockchain is not a buzzword in Malta, it is a lived reality. You apply for the wedding digitally. There are all kinds of reasons to celebrate one of the most beautiful and happiest days of your life in Malta. Highlights mentioned to us were:

  • Marriage at up to 7,000-year-old historical sites and enchanting natural landscapes.
  • Vacation atmosphere and ten months of temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Special locations like beach, temples, museum-ship, underwater and on charming cliffs.
  • For religious weddings around 365 mainly baroque churches.
  • Recognized, uncomplicated and fast procedure with little bureaucracy.
  • Official language English and therefore in many countries of the world no certified translation of the marriage certificate is required.
  • No minimum residence
  • Same-sex marriages legal

International wedding in Malta – These are the requirements

A marriage is recognized in your home country if

  • You meet the requirements for marriage under the laws of your home country.
  • You are at least 16 years old and a wedding can take place in your home country with the permission of your parents.
  • Unless marriage takes place in a registry office or church, the place of marriage must be open to the public. Ultimately, the registrar decides on suitability.
  • Separated citizens cannot marry before a divorce or annulment of marriage.

Is a residence permit required to get married in Malta?

No, you do not have to live in Malta to marry here. Also, you do not automatically obtain a residence permit by getting married in Malta.

Who is responsible for the marriage ceremony in Malta?

The Maltese Registry Office handles all church and civil marriages in Malta and Gozo.

What are the requirements and obstacles?

An indispensable requirement is the necessary prerequisite in your home country for the marriage ceremony. As an example, we list some forms that are requested depending on the country:

  • Certificate of freedom of movement (with apostille)
  • Certificate of matrimonial maturity
  • Marriage register forms
  • Permission to marry from own government
  • Certificate of marriageability
  • Status certificate
  • No objection certificate
  • Residence certificate
  • Certificate of Celibacy
  • Consent father

You will submit this information to the registrar’s office with your application for marriage:

Church marriage

  • Has there been a previous marriage and are there any children from the relationship?
  • Have you lived abroad for any time?
  • The church where the marriage is to take place.
  • The date of the marriage and start/time.
  • The first and last name of the priest.
  • The last name(s) of the couple after the marriage and the family name that will be adopted.

Marriage ceremony in the registry office or other place about:

  • Has there been a previous marriage and are there any children from the relationship?
  • Have you lived abroad for some time?
  • The place of the marriage ceremony and start/time.
  • The date of the marriage.
  • When you will have the officiant picked up by cab.
  • The last name(s) of the couple after the marriage and the family name that will be adopted
World of Malta Insider Tip: You are not Catholic and want to get married in church?The Marriage Act empowers the Ministry to recognize marriages of other churches and religions besides the Catholic religion. If a religion or church is recognized by the Ministry, you may marry according to the rites of that religion in Malta. For wedding decorated white vintage car cabriolet in front of the church.
Für Hochzeit geschmückter weißer Oldtimer Caprio vor der Kirche

Which places are suitable for getting married in Malta?

The first decision is:
  • Gozo
  • Comino
  • Malta
  •  one of the uninhabited island like St. Pauls Island in Mellieha..
For Gozo and Comino you need to contact the Gozo Registry Office, you will find at least 99 charming and romantic locations in Malta, as well as approximately 365 churches for your wedding ceremony. You can find more inspiration for your wedding ceremony on our page with the 77 most unusual and beautiful cities and sights in Malta.The location of the wedding ceremony must be open to the public and the registrar deems it suitable. Probably, a wedding on a Maltese wooden boat Luzzi (Dgħajsa) will not be approved. Permission will also be difficult for swimming pools, casinos or public beaches with bathers. However, there are sections of beaches that are closed for weddings. There are wedding halls and hotels, public gardens, rustic farmhouses, castles and baroque palaces. The Maltese government offers historic and listed buildings such as the Mediterranean Conference Centre or Saint James Cavalier.
For wedding: altar with two chairs in a park

Get married in a baroque garden

  • Buskett Gardens in Rabat
  • Lower Barrakka Gardens at the charming Sigie Bell Chapel in Valletta
  • San Anton Gardens in Attard (Three Villages) at San Antonio Palace

Marriage on a ship

The captain of a Maltese flagged cruiser may perform your wedding ceremony.

Getting married at Malta’s cliffs or a lighthouse

  • Mgarr ix-Xini Bay on Gozo – Spectacular setting for the movie “By the Sea” starring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.
  • Dingli Cliffs – The highest point of Malta at breathtaking 253 meters high cliffs.
  • On Gozo between Fungus Rock and San Lawrenz Dwejra Clifs

Sea cliffs on one of the two uninhabited islands

  • St Paul’s Island
  • Cominotto

World of Malta insider tip: This is what the location of your civil wedding should offer

  • Written permission from the owner
  • Pedestal with access via laminated path, concrete, or flagstone walkway
  • A table for the best man and for signing the marriage contract
  • Five chairs for the registrar, the couple and the two witnesses to the marriage
  • Set up as if in the style of a classroom
  • Appropriate lighting conditions
  • Protect witness from glare from the sun
  • Separated from the public, with screen, plants, fence or partition, about 180 cm high
  • At least 20 meters away from the public, sign of the wedding ceremony
  • Well-kept and reflecting the dignity of the occasion
  • If not in a room or house, canopy or umbrella for registrars

Where to apply for the banns for marriage and date marriage?

Basically, on at the marriage registry in Malta or Gozo. If you are planning a religious or church wedding, inform the diocese in Floriana additionally. The registrar is present at a church wedding for notarization.

The application with all required documents should be submitted 3 months before the desired date of the wedding. Last deadline is 6 weeks before the wedding at the latest.

You do not live in Malta?
Then make an appointment at the competent registry office at least two days before the wedding to present your valid identification documents. You cannot delegate this appointment to a third party with power of attorney.

Identity Malta gibt das Prozedere für Veröffentlichung von Heiratsaufgebot bekannt
Source: Registry Office, Identity Malta

The important addresses for the registration of a marriage banns

Public Registry offices Marsa

Onda Building

Aldo Moro Road, Marsa MRS 9065

Phone: +356 2590 4240

E-Mail: [email protected]

Public Registry – Identity Malta

Opening hours:

Monday: 07:30 – 2:00 pm
Tuesday: 07:30 – 2:00 pm
Wednesday: 07:30 – 2:00 pm and 3:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursday: 07:30 – 2:00 pm
Friday: 07:30 – 2:00 pm
Saturday: 07:30 – 2:00 pm

Gozo Public Registry offices, Victoria

By the Bastion Road, Victoria VCT 1335
Phone: +356 2215 6383.
E-Mail: [email protected]

Opening hours: 1. October bis 15. June:
Monday: 08:00 – 2:00 pm (payment transactions until 1:00 pm).
Tuesday: 08:00 – 2:00 pm (payment transactions until 1:00 pm).
Wednesday: 08:00 – 2:00 pm (payment transactions until 1:00 pm).
Thursday: 08:00 – 2:00 pm (payment transactions until 1:00 pm).
Friday: 08:00 – 2:00 pm (payment transactions until 1:00 pm).

Different opening hours from 16 June to 30 September

Monday: 07:30 – 12:00 pm
Tuesday: 07:30 – 12:00 pm
Wednesday: 07:30 – 12:00 pm
Thursday: 07:30 – 12:00 pm
Friday: 07:30 – 12:00 pm

Diocese of Malta

Public relations office
Diocesan Curia
5, Trig L-Iljun, Floriana
Phone +356 2124 1281
E-mail: [email protected]

What is the family name after marriage?

Since September 1, 2017, in Malta, they have the following choices for choosing a family name:

  • the surnames of both parties
  • freely chosen order, but not more than 4 surnames, each keeps his name,
  • every choice of a family name

The surname of the children is the family name. However, you need to clarify if the name choice chosen in Malta is allowed in your home country.

What documents do you need for a wedding in Malta?

You submit all documents in English or Maltese. For original documents in other languages, please have a certified copy made. You will need the original of some documents at the wedding ceremony. Please send the following documents to the registry office:

  • Certified copies of identity cards or passports.
  • Certified or international birth certificates or certificate of descent with parents’ details
  • Certificate of singleness or international certificate of marriageability (usual international form, not older than six months)
  • Form RZ1 signed and notarized
  • Form RZ2 signed and notarized
  • Registration form for marriage signed
  • Affidavit of marital status certified by a Maltese notary public

If available or relevant:

  • Divorce decree(s)
  • Certified marriage certificate of previous marriage with note of annulment
  • Marriage certificate and marriage certificates of previous marriages
  • Widow’s certificate or death certificate of previous spouses
  • Letter of intent or proof of name change in case of previous marriage
  • Adoption certificate
  • Marriage contract, often in Islamic countries
    Notarized parental consent if one partner is under 21 years of age in the home country
  • International excerpt from the residents’ registration office

How many witnesses are present at the wedding ceremony?

You require two witnesses of legal age for the marriage ceremony.

Do foreigners require an interpreter for the wedding ceremony in Malta?

If one of the persons wishing to marry does not have sufficient knowledge of English, an interpreter is mandatory. You must make arrangements to book an interpreter.

On which days is there generally no wedding ceremony in Malta?

  • 1.1, New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • 25.12., Christmas Day

How much does the wedding cost in Malta?

In addition to the cost of the ceremony, there are fees for the notarization. They differ between residence in Malta and abroad, as well as the place of the wedding. As proof of residence, your ID Card is sufficient.

Marriage registry office

Residence in Malta 25.65 Euro
One residence abroad 51.30 Euro
Both residences abroad 76.95 Euro

Marriage in Malta outside registry office

Residence in Malta 51.30 Euro
One residence abroad 76.95 Euro
Both residences abroad 102.60 Euro

Church wedding in Malta

Residence in Malta 25.65 Euro
At least one residence abroad 51.30 Euro
Fee for registration 2.60 Euro

For the certificate of marriage or civil partnership, the registry authority in Malta charges 9.95 Euro. For legalization and apostille, 12 Euro will be charged. Translation into an official EU language costs 10 euros. (As of 10/2022)

In case of a church wedding, a donation to the church is common. Other costs such as photographer, translator, or catering negotiate freely.

Does Malta provide financial support for marriage and marriage ceremonies?

Citizens of Malta receive a marriage grant. This marriage grant of approximately 300 – 500 euros per eligible person depends on various criteria.

  • Employee, not gainfully employed or pensioner
  • Length of employment before marriage or civil partnership
  • First marriage or further marriage after divorce

The applicant applies for the marriage allowance within six months of the date of marriage at the latest.


World of Malta Insider Tip: No Residence in Malta
The required registration of a marriage in Germany is done at the registry office at the German place of residence or habitual abode of one of the couple. Married couples who do not have a place of residence or habitual abode in Germany must register their marriage at the registry office where the marriage is to take place.
In principle, a marriage that took place abroad can only be recognized if,

  • at the time of the marriage, the substantive legal requirements for marriage (e.g. singleness, minimum age) existed for both fiancés according to their respective domestic law
  • the law at the place of the marriage was observed with regard to the form of the marriage.

However, in order for a marriage to take place, it is necessary for each of the two parties to have the prerequisites for marriage required by the law of their home country.

Step by step to the marriage of emigrants and foreigners in Malta

For a marriage in the registry office in Gozo or Malta, you do not need a commitment. The registry office will only give dates when the registry office including a registrar is available. If you would like to celebrate in a church or another place, the registry office requires the location of the wedding in order to coordinate the times of the registrars.

In order to be as sure as possible of the desired date for the wedding ceremony, you should order the banns at the registry office approximately three months before the wedding. The latest date on which all documents must be available is six weeks before the wedding ceremony.

Before confirming the marriage date, the registry office requires the documents necessary for the marriage ceremony. These differ based on place of residence, marital status and nationality. We have listed the most important documents under “What documents do you need for a wedding in Malta?” For a church wedding, the Archdiocese of Malta also requires information from you.

With the confirmation, you will receive the fee invoice and information about the procedure. These are particularly relevant if you are getting married outside the registry office. For example, you are responsible for the chauffeur or cab of the registrar.

If you live abroad, please arrange a personal appointment at the registry office. This will take place at least two days before the wedding ceremony. Your original identification documents will be examined by the registry office. According to our knowledge, appointment is not possible by authorized persons.

Please inform the witnesses (if necessary, send someone with power of attorney).

Binding booking of the desired place for the wedding ceremony,

If you want to change any of the above, please inform the registry office immediately or at least three weeks before the change.

If you are getting married outside the church or registry office, check the specifications for the platform, seating, paved roads and so on.

  • Order catering and drinks
  • wedding car
  • flowers and bridal bouquet
  • music
  • printed materials
  • Order photographer
  • make-up artist and hairdresser
  • possible translators for wedding ceremony
  • Send invitations if necessary

1. Entry requirements for Malta can change at any time, as the Corona Pandemic showed.
2. Possibly plan transportation
3. Ten days before the marriage, the bride, or groom must collect from the Registrar’s Office the copies of the Act of Marriage and the Certificate of Banns issued by the Registrar’s Office. These must be presented immediately to the parish priest of the place where the marriage ceremony is to take place. The bride or groom collecting the documents must present their ID card or a valid identification document. If neither couple is able to pick up the documents, a third person who presents his/her ID card and a power of attorney from the couple may pick up the documents on the couple’s behalf. / From abroad,
Couples submitting their application from abroad, despite being able to submit the application online, must visit the Valletta Registry Office in person a few days (at least two working days) before the wedding day to confirm the details and finalize the matter. A valid identification document must be presented when visiting the Registry Office. An appointment can be made weeks in advance.
4. Cab registrars provide if you are getting married outside the registrar’s office. The registrars will be brought back after the ceremony.
5. Emergency baskets for men and women
6. Have cash on hand for donation to church and service staff
7. Chilled sparkling wine for the champagne toast after the wedding ceremony

You apply for the marriage certificate at the registry office or online at You choose a full version or an extract. Furthermore, you need an apostille of the marriage certificate by the Maltese Ministry of Foreign Affairs when presenting it to foreign authorities of The Hague Convention.

The wedding ceremony lasts 20 – 30 minutes

You need a plan for your wedding?

Feel free to use our WoM – checklists. These will support your wedding planning.
Checklist “Thought of everything?”
Checklist “What belongs in the emergency basket?”

World of Malta Insider Tip: Apply for Marriage Leave.

Employees are entitled to paid marriage leave depending on the industry. The number of days varies. Workers without a W.R.O. Scheme are entitled to two working days of marriage or marital leave under L.N. 432 of 2007 (minimum special leave entitlement regulations).

FAQ - Do you have questions about marrying as an emigrant or foreigner? We give you the answers!

Between three months and six months. In justified cases, such as serious illness, the Ministry may shorten the period under three months upon request. The marriage ceremony lasts 30 minutes.

This cannot be answered in a general way. However, it is common practice in Europe that there is no need to notify the home country at night. The marriage certificate from Malta is recognized by The Hague Apostille, to which about 110 countries belong.

According to our knowledge, same-sex couples marry at the registry office. A church wedding is not possible. Please ask the church parishes.

Whether you get married in church or in a civil ceremony, you will generally marry in Malta in front of a registrar seven days a week. The Maltese marriage certificate will be sent to your home address in English and Maltese.

Malta does not stipulate a minimum length of stay for a wedding ceremony. You can travel to the Mediterranean island with the turquoise sea, get married and return to your place of residence. Only the application must be made up to three months before the wedding.

Unless there are serious reasons, such as serious illness, the banns are ordered up to three months before the wedding. The certificate of marriageability is valid for six months and expires if the couple does not get married. A wedding ceremony is possible on any day of the week.

An apostille is a document drawn up according to a fixed model. The bilateral Hague Apostille Convention recognizes certain documents, such as the marriage certificate from Malta. Approximately 110 countries have joined the agreement, so that the document is also recognized, for example, in Cape Verde, Trinidad and Tobago or Costa Rica. Notarization is not required. The Apostille is the authentication in the international document traffic. The apostille is also used for adopting children abroad, opening a business abroad or taking a pet abroad. The Hague Convention was drawn up on October 5, 1961. For the EU, the EU 2016/1191 Regulation (“EU Apostille Regulation”) applies to issued public documents since 16.02.2019.

You can change the place of the wedding ceremony up to 3 weeks before the wedding and announce it in writing.

Will your marriage be recognized in your home country? Marriage in Malta is recognized in all EU countries if you meet the marriage requirements in your home country.

In this case, you will need different or some of the following documents:

  • Valid travel document
  • Affidavit instead of birth certificate
  • Copy of the status questionnaire with the Refugee Commission
  • Valid laminated refugee certificate
  • Confirmation of widower/widow status or proof of divorced/invalid previous marriage
  • Police immigration certificate with valid visa

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Bereits als Manager im Vertrieb einer der größten britischen Versicherungs-Konzerne befasste sich Maximilian Wallenstein leidenschaftlich mit Finanzthemen und der Volkswirtschaft. Dem ehrenamtlichen Dozenten für Steuerrecht auf der Deutschen Angestellten Akademie ist das deutsche Steuerrecht nicht fremd. Als Keynote-Speaker über das System der Sozialversicherungen trat Maximilian Wallenstein bei Finanzdienstleistungs-Unternehmen auf. Seine Persönlichkeits-Entwicklung förderte mehrmonatig die Dale-Carnegie Stiftung. Maximilian bügelt nicht nur seine Hemden selbst, spielt leidenschaftlich Squash und Doppelkopf, sondern gibt als zertifizierter Online-Texter sein Finanzwissen als Gastautor und Ghostwriter an marktführende Finanzportale weiter.

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