Malta Salary Calculator

Gain insights into your net salary after a detailed breakdown of all deductions, whether you’re a local resident or an expat navigating the Maltese tax system.

Malta Salary Calculator
Gross Salary
National Insurance
Net Salary
Gross Salary
Based on 2025 Malta tax rates and social security contributions

*COLA Bonus: Is paid quarterly (€121.16 + €135.10 + €121.16 + €135.10).

Calculate Your Net Pay in Malta

Understanding Malta’s tax and salary system can be tricky, especially for expats and newcomers. Our Malta Salary Calculator simplifies the process, providing a detailed breakdown of your 2025 gross salary. Instantly see your net income after deductions like income tax, national insurance, and COLA (Cost of Living Allowance).

Whether you’re negotiating a job offer, planning a move, or just curious about your earnings, this user-friendly tool is designed to give you clear and accurate insights tailored to Malta’s workforce.

Whether you’re an employee, or student, our calculator adapts to your profile for accurate results. It’s ideal for expats, locals, and anyone wanting a clear breakdown of their take-home pay after deductions.

Just enter your gross annual salary and choose your status—single, married, or parent. Check the boxes that apply to you. Our calculator instantly analyzes your earnings, showing:

  • Tax Deductions: Estimated using Malta’s progressive tax rates.
  • National Insurance Contributions: Adjusted based on your job type.
  • COLA & Bonuses: Automatically updated for 2025.

See your take-home pay on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

COLA (Cost of Living Allowance) is a quarterly bonus for employees in Malta. Our calculator includes this bonus to provide an accurate net salary estimate for 2025.

You qualify for the Parent Tax Rate if you have:

  • A child under 18 years old, or
  • A child under 23 years old earning less than €2,000 per year from stipends and employment.


This tax rate is automatically applied if you are:

  • A married parent
  • A single mother

Single fathers must obtain a court-issued document and submit the Parent Rate Application Form, available on the Inland Revenue website, to qualify.

In Malta, married couples can file a joint tax computation, where both partners’ incomes are combined, and tax is calculated on their total earnings.Since the Married Tax Rate is based on joint income, it is generally recommended when only one spouse is employed, as this setup can provide better tax benefits.


We’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the data displayed. However, please note that this data is not guaranteed to be accurate. Actual salaries may vary depending on additional bonuses, other benefits like car allowances, and government incentives.
